As superfast broadband gets
adopted by more and more people, we must not shut out those people who cannot
have this.

Are you listening to me, Network Rail? Look how quickly this image downloads on my site.
One of the perks of being a software tester is that you can
take your work home with you and tell managers of other public-facing software
(especially websites) what they're doing wrong. I've recently been arguing with
Network Rail over the redevelopment of Birmingham New Street station. No
complaints about the redevelopment itself (anyone who's actually used this
station will be able to tell you why); my problem is pages like this one. Can you spot what's wrong with it? Possibly not, if you've got a fast
internet link. But if you're on a slow internet connection, it takes ages to
download the pictures and chews up your bandwidth – about 5MB for three images.
And to illustrate just how unnecessary this is, here
is the full picture you have to download in order to view a small (304px ×
172px) image.1
This is an example of lazy programming that suits the majority
but excludes the minority. This is nothing new – it is been going on ever since
the internet began. In the 90s there was Netscape Mail's HTML-only
e-mails (absolutely and totally utterly vital so that you can write in
multi-coloured Comic Sans font), instantly rendering them unreadable to people
on text-based programs such as pine. Then came Internet Explorer's dominance
and the web pages that
didn't work in any other browsers, or worse, did work in other browsers but
blocked them anyway because “it's designed for IE”. Meanwhile, we were plagued
with Flash-only
websites, removing perfectly decent text content away from many users with
sight disabilities. What all these have in common in that all of this was
completely unnecessary – it wouldn't have required any more work to make
websites accessible to everyone, just a little bit of thought.
But whilst problems so far have affected individuals, the disparity in broadband speeds threatens to affect whole communities. It's not the fault of anyone in particular that internet speeds in many rural areas are so slow – sadly, the costs of laying hundreds of miles of cables versus the income gained from a handful of users in remote areas makes this an expensive problem to solve – but the government’s idea of digital infrastructure, to all-round applause, is to give cities that already have decent broadband speeds even faster speeds. My worry is that instead of making the internet faster, it will simply encourage websites to get more bloated and inefficient – still available to 90% of the UK, but increasingly inaccessible for the other 10% who face being treated like they don't matter.
And, unfortunately, there seems to be little appetite to stop
a bloated internet. When a business suffers for having a below-average internet
speed, it's usually considered the business's fault for not having a faster
line even if that's impractical. In my last job, people routinely e-mailed
ludicrously large attachments to each other eating up all the disk space, and yet this was
never questioned – instead, staff were blamed for not clearing out their
inboxes often enough. As the resolution of digital cameras increases, so has
the bandwidth needed to download a few photos a friends e-mailed to you. A
photo that only needs to be viewed on a screen as opposed to printed can be
scaled down 90%, but the process for doing this is so complicated and laborious
most people don't bother. Outlook and Thunderbird could easily add a feature
that offers to scale down images for you, but they haven't, and show no signs
of doing so.
However, there are some signs of hope. Video-streaming sites
such as Youtube generally keep their streaming bandwidth down to something
sane. I suspect this is more down to Youtube wanting to control their own
bandwidth costs than anyone else's, but the effect is the same. Libreoffice
Impress has a pretty
nifty device to reduce the size of presentation files, which I'm sure
anyone who's been e-mailed a 45MB .ppt file will welcome. (Sadly no equivalent
functions in PowerPoint yet – hurry up Microsoft.) ITV player seems to be smart
enough to switch between low-quality and high-quality streaming video depending
on your internet speed. If more people can adopt good the good practice used
here, maybe we can all live in perfect harmony.
[1] And
unfortunately, the response I got from Network Rail wasn't encouraging. Their
justification is that some people want high-resolution images available, but
anyone who creates websites can tell you this is not the way to do it – you
should put a thumbnail image on the page and provide a link to the larger-scale
image. Worse, Network Rail actually does this on different
pages in the same site, so why they think they can't do it on other
pages is beyond me. I suppose it's unfair for me to be so scathing about a
random customer services representative who, in all probability, doesn't
normally deal with technical queries, but this is what happens when you don't
provide a contact for technical queries. But that's a subject for another post.
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